National Centre For Autism and Mental Health

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A New On-line Practitioner Certificate and Diploma in Autism and Mental Health

In response to the demand for Autism and Mental Health Services the NCAMH has launched a Certificate and Diploma in Autism and Mental Health.  This applied training is provided across a total of 7 days for the Certificate only and 14 days for the Certificate and Diploma.

What is included in the Certificate?

The Certificate provides a comprehensive introduction to Autism and Mental Health including:

  • Understanding Autism and Mental Health issues
  • Core practitioner skills and adjustments to practice
  • Sensory awareness and regulation tools
  • Working with Autism and Anxiety
  • Working with Autism and Depression
  • Working with Autism and Demand Avoidance
  • Working with Alexythemia, Masking and Synasthaesia

What is included in the Diploma?

The Diploma provides practitioners with more advanced skills when working with autistic people with more complex mental health conditions, including:

  • Working with Autism and OCD/Tics
  • Working with Autism and BPD
  • Working with Autism and Eating Disorders
  • Working with Autism and Suicidal and Self harming behaviours
  • Autism and ADHD and related conditions
  • Autism, mental health and family-based work
  • Reflective practice and supervision

There will be short quizzes/on-line tests to complete at the end of each module alongside course reading, a 2,500 word case study, reflective practice journal and 20 hours supervision.  On completion of the Diploma you will become part of the NCAMH practitioners network and eligible to receive referrals.  Following the Diploma you may wish to specialise in a particular area of therapy/work in respect of Autism and Mental Health.  Further specialist training pathways are under development (e.g. Practitioners Certificate in Autism and Disordered Eating, Practitioners Certificate in Autism and OCD).

Who is this course for?

The Certificate and Diploma Courses are Post Graduate trainings open to practitioners across a number of social care/health professionals including:

  • Psychotherapists
  • Psychologists
  • Counsellors
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Speech and Language Therapists
  • Social Workers
  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Health Visitors
  • Allied Health Professionals

Benefits of attending the training

  • In depth understanding of Autism
  • Ability to recognise the signs of Mental Health issues amongst autistic people
  • Knowledge around specific mental health conditions associated with Autism
  • Ability to adjust practice
  • Specific core skills for working with Autism and Mental Health
  • Access to specific tools and strategies
  • Increased awareness around your own practice
  • Application of learning to practice
  • Access to evidence-based approaches
  • Opportunity to specialise in the Autism and Mental Health field
  • Opportunity to work as part of a practitioner’s network and receive referrals

Form more information about this training please visit and register an interest or call 07545 190915,